Disruptive. Collaborative. Responsive.
21st Century Water Solutions

It has been an exceptional three-year journey as we ventured into the world of water technology startups, investors and new partnerships in addition to continuing our Corporate Water Strategy engagements. I view this as an opportunity to communicate what we...
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Water scarcity, biodiversity loss, and climate change are wicked problems. We work with diverse, cross-sector stakeholders to develop systems-level solutions.
We sit at the intersection of strategy, innovation, and finance to create long-term value for your business, the local ecosystems, and the populations inhabiting them.
Driving meaningful progress on water-nature-climate issues requires diversity of thought, innovative partnerships, and a bias for action. Our team prides itself on going beyond the status quo. We are committed to:
Being the real deal - providing clients with candor, long-term sustainable relationships and high-value advice that can be trusted.
Value-creation through leadership and innovative thinking for a select group of clients per year. We are not a commodity service provider.
Bringing new thinking to old challenges. We value our "ecosystem of relationships" and fresh views of water-nature-climate challenges and solutions.
When we are asked why the name “Water Foundry?” We respond, In the realm of wicked water and nature problems, we use our considerable expertise to FORGE SOLUTIONS.​

The co-hosts of our bi-weekly videocast, Will Sarni & Tom Freyberg (Founder of the Atlantean,) have unscripted conversations with guest experts who reject the status quo and have a bias for action in the world of water and nature.

We have global experience across a range of industry sectors. We serve companies and clients in:
USA | Europe | Middle East | Mexico | Latin America

For Corporations
Global water strategy | Nature positive strategy | Business value quantification | Risk management & dependency mapping | M&A strategy | New products & services
For Technology Startups
Market entry strategy | Value proposition development | Product-market fit
For Investors
Technology evaluation | Portfolio company support


Water Foundry is a trusted advisor to select global public and private sector clients and technology providers in solving water- and nature-related challenges. The firm also provides water data analytics and visualization tools to better understand supply demand scenarios and potential interventions to close the gap and inform public policy decisions.
THE WATER FOUNDRY TEAM has extensive experience in developing working water and nature strategies working for US and non-US multinationals, non-governmental organizations, and the public sector. These strategies range from initial water mapping efforts to moving companies to more advanced water stewardship and nature positive strategies and validating program performance. Water Foundry has been at the forefront in working on collective action programs with diverse stakeholder groups and quantifying the business value of water and nature.
THE WATER FOUNDRY CULTURE is committed to creating thought leadership on water and nature strategy, technology innovation, partnerships, and digital technologies. We frequently speak at high visibility events and publish books and white papers on leading topics essential for multinationals and technology companies.​
"Will Sarni is a well-known water guru.
A player tackling the business world's
complex relationship with water."

Water Innovator
Will Sarni is the Practice Lead, Water and Nature at Earth Finance. Prior to Water Foundry's acquisition by Earth Finance, Will served as the firm's founder and CEO. He is also the Founder and General Partner of Water Foundry Ventures, a water technology venture fund focused on addressing water scarcity, quality, and equitable access to water. He has been a sustainability and water strategy advisor to multinationals, water technology companies, investors, and non-governmental organizations his entire career.
Prior to Water Foundry, Will was a managing director at Deloitte Consulting where he established and led the water strategy practice. He was the founder and CEO of DOMANI, a sustainability strategy firm, prior to Deloitte.
Will is an internationally recognized thought leader on water strategy and innovation. He was ranked as Worth Magazine's Worthy 100 for 2022, A Key Player Pressuring Business to Care about Water and one of the Top 15 Interviews in Smart Water Magazine 2019.
He is also the author of numerous publications on water strategy and innovation and a host of the podcast Distilled by Qatium and a co-host of the podcast, The Stream with Will and Tom. He is on the board of Hydraloop, an advisor to FIDO Tech, Ketos, True Elements, and WaterMarq. He was the Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for the WAITRO Global Water Innovation Summit 2020 and was on the Scientific Program Committee for Stockholm World Water Week from 2013 through 2019. His advisory work includes working with the 2020 X-PRIZE (Infinity Water Prize), as a Bold Visioneer for the 2016 X-PRIZE Safe Drinking Water Team and a Technical Advisor for the Climate Bonds Initiative: Nature- Based Solutions for Climate and Water Resilience. He is also on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Water Security.
Visit WillSarni.com for more
Visit Will at Earth Finance

Collective Vision. Greater Impact.
Wicked problems of water, nature, and climate can’t be solved by any one stakeholder. Ecosystems of stakeholders working together can have a positive impact by bringing together a diversity of skills and perspectives with a shared commitment and passion.
We are building the Water Foundry ecosystem with trusted partners who share our collective vision that we can create a water and nature abundant future in service of economic development, business growth, social well-being, and ecosystem health. We are proud to be partnering with: